
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer - a time to reflect and refresh!

As I spend my summer relaxing after a grueling school year of assisting with our school's accreditation, finishing my masters program in one year and tackling the task of being director of our school's after school program, I am once again being reminded about how much I love the upcoming month of August. Nothing gets me more pumped up about the new school year beginning than the numerous ads that are out advertising back to school sales. While many parents cringe at the thought of receiving the upcoming teacher's supply list, I gleefully go from store to store to find the best deals for my buck!

After all - what other time of the year can you get 12 pencils for a penny?!? (Staples people - check it out) However, I have come to find out that over the past few summers I tend to over buy on these amazing deals. Upon last check, I discovered I have about 1000 pencils that have never been sharpened. Or about 100 folders that are simply collecting dust in my school closet. So this summer I have turned a blind eye towards these amazing deals and am simply focusing on ideas for my classroom. 

Speaking of which, I was lucky enough to have another one of my ideas accepted into Mailbox Magazine for intermediate teachers. Funny - it's an idea that I submitted almost 2 years ago and upon seeing it am reminded as to what a great idea it actually was! And saddened by the fact that I haven't used it for quite sometime. This summer's goal? To pull out and dust off those old ideas and to find some new ones!

1 comment:

  1. I, too, seem to collect way too many things for my classroom over the summer. I have a corner of my house that is now piled with "Things to Go to School". Great blog! Will look forward to reading more of your posts!
