
Saturday, February 11, 2012

You Know You're a Teacher When....

I simply could not pass up this Linky party that Jeannie of Kindergarten Lifestyle is hosting of "You know you're a teacher when..."! There are so many things that I can think of it was hard just picking one.  Until this morning, when I went to leave my house to do some errands with my daughter and I couldn't find my flip flops.  Then I realized.....I left them under my desk at school.  Along with my red flats, black flats and a pair of black high heeled shoes.  As any teacher is aware, you always have a pair of comfy shoes hidden under your desk to slip into once you are safely in your classroom.  Ugh - oh well. I need a pedicure anyway, so I guess I'm going to be sporting gym shoes till Monday and I can collect my shoes.  ;-)

Check out more of these at the You Know You're a Teacher When Pinterest board.


  1. Thank you for joining my linky party!! And I thought I was the only one who kept all my shoes at school!! I am your newest follower!

    ­Kindergarten Lifestyle

    Kindergarten Lifestyle Facebook Fan Page

    1. Thank you Jeannie! This was a super fun Linky Party - I was happy to participate. Thanks for following!

  2. Too funny! I actually don't have any shoes under my desk...I only wear comfy to begin with! I may be the most un-stylish when it comes to shoes! :)

    1. Haha Lana. I'll admit I don't wear heels as much as I used to before I had my baby. Which is probably why I really didn't miss the high heels that I left under my desk as much as the flats!

  3. I have a pair of flip flops under my desk! Then when my feet are tired from my heels I slip them on :)

    I am a new follower! Super cute blog!

    1. Thanks for following and for the great compliment! I think I'm going to designate a pair of flip flops that I keep under my desk that never leave school. And then another pair that gets me to and from my car.....can't stand doing that walk in heels. haha ;-)

  4. I just found your blog. I am a new follower.


    1. Thank you Tricia! I appreciate the support and hope you enjoy the blog. :-)
