
Monday, March 26, 2012

Market Mondays: Organizer

If you are like any teacher, you collect supplies. Markers, paperclips, erasers, push-pins.....Vista Print items. You name it, we love it.  But what do you do with all those items once you have acquired them?  Enter my all time favorite organizer!!  I bought this nifty little organizer one day while walking with my husband through Home Depot. I had seen it before at the Container Store for triple the cost and even though I loved it, I couldn't reason out paying that much for it.  So when I saw it for $20, I simply couldn't pass it up.

Why do I love this?  Well, I'm a bit obsessed with organization and Vista Print (don't know what VP is???? - Click here) and needed a place to put all my cards.  This one was perfect because it had enough drawers to fit all the cards I created (I now need a larger one, which this one from Amazon is PERFECT and will soon be mine!).

Anyway, I took one card and taped it to the front of the drawer so I could clearly see what was in it and put the rest behind it.  The other drawers were perfect for all those little odds and end supplies I need to keep readily at my desk.  The best part about these organizers is that they come with the screws to hang them on the wall. Initially I did have it hanging on the wall and LOVED it as it cleared off much needed desk space.  However, I have since then moved my desk and had no wall space to put it on where I currently am at.

Regardless, I rate this product a 5! Love it for the possibilities it could use it for math manipulatives or other centers.  Or just use it to organized your Vista Print obsession.

What are some ways you organize all your stuff? Share below or better yet....give a link to a picture!