
Saturday, March 10, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Blog Hunt

Top of the morning to all my Irish (everybody's Irish this time of the year....right?) blog friends.  I hope you have been enjoying the hunt so far.  If you are just joining us today, be sure to check out the following blogs who have had goodies for you the past nine days.

So far we've been to the following:

I have a couple of freebies for everyone today!  One is a math activity where students are multiplying decimal numbers for your students to do.  The other one, takes me back to fourth grade when I was a child.  On St. Patrick's Day, my teacher had 17 shamrocks hidden around the classroom.  One was in the box of tissues, another in the pencil bin and so on.  All were out of sight but placed somewhere that a student would stumble across it during the course of the day.  If a student found this shamrock, they received a special treat from the teacher.  I remember it was so exciting to see who would find the next one.  So in hopes to bring that same excitement to your class, I have created lucky shamrocks for you to hide around your own classroom.  Simply click on the snapshots below to download these great freebies!

Here's hoping the Luck of the Irish is with your kiddos!  And I have even more good news for you - head on over to JD's Rockin' Readers who also has some goodies for you today!  

Hope you enjoy today's freebies and be sure to head on over to the next blog on day 11 of the hunt tomorrow. Just click on the #11 shamrock and it will take you away. 

And if you haven't already be sure to follow me here.  You can also check me out on TpT, Pinterest and Twitter.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Fantastic! Thanks for all the goodies and for posting all the links to the wonderful blogs.

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for stopping by - hope you come across some great things to use. :-)
