
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Quadrilateral project with the Geoboard app (and a AWESOME Giveaway!)

In math class my students are learning how to identify different types of quadrilaterals and the characteristics that make them all up.  In order to assist them, I created this little handout which they put in their math notebook so they have an easy reference.

Since we have the iPads, I also created a little Quadrilateral booklet project for them to work on.  The project requires the students to create the shapes using the Geoboard app AND be able to identify these shapes in real life and explain how they are use. The students were thrilled to be able to play with the Geoboard app as we've had it on our iPads for sometime but never used it.  Just like if they were using real Geoboards, they have the ability to pick different color rubber bands but unlike the real Geoboards they can also fill in their shapes.  Best part about this's FREE!

The possibilities for using it are practically endless!  Students can represents fractions, figure out area and perimeter, and so on.  It's really easy to use too.  A win win all around. 

You can get a copy of both my free handout and booklet project at my store.  Hopefully your students will enjoy it as much as mine are!

Also, in case you haven't heard or seen it already, my friend, Krystal Mills, over at Lessons from the Middle is having her First Bloggy Birthday!  A bunch of us fellow bloggers got together and donated TONS of products for her to give away ranging in all grade levels.  Head over and enter to win some awesome prize packs whose total worth IS $500!
And don't forget to download the Geoboard App for some virtual rubberband fun! ;-)


  1. I saw your post and it reminded me of what I am doing right now in geometry. We are also doing a mini unit on quadrilaterals. The students also create something similar to what you have done...they create a chart with the name of the shape, a picture of the shape, the properties and characteristics of the shape and a definition. It works really well to reinforce the concepts. What I do differently from you, and what I thought you might like to explore is that the technology I use is called Geometer's Sketchpad. You can download it from their website and try it out. Our school just got a class set of Ipads but I don't know if there is an version for the Ipad yet. If you have never used GSP you might want to check it out!

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know about that! I'll have to check it out. How exciting that you just got a class set of iPads. I've been piloting 1:1 in my classroom this past year and we've learned so much and had a lot of fun (also learned what I won't do! haha). If you ever have any questions or want to collaborate on something, let me know. :-)
