
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Resolutions and a Freebie

Happy 2014!!  I simply cannot believe another year has passed.  I'm looking forward to all that this upcoming year has to offer and have already begun making plans. 

I'm a firm believer in making goals (ones that I really PLAN on keeping).  So I decided to link up with Jessica from First Grade Nest.  So let's get started!

In addition to those up above here are some more. :-)

I have been wanting to update my blog look for a long time.  So this is the year that I am taking the plunge and have begun working with someone to give my blog a whole new look. I'm excited to see what comes out of it all and look forward to sharing it with you guys!

Start to create at least one freebie each month to share with everyone.  I often create stuff for my it's just a matter of taking it to the next step and providing it online. :-)

In addition to the ones I listed up top, my other personal goal is to spend more quality time with my two daughters. My oldest is turning three this year and I'm in complete shock over it! Time just goes by so very fast so I really need to slow down and enjoy them now.   We have even planned our first Disneyland trip for the end of January with the girls. 

Doing laundry!!!  Haha - okay that one isn't happening. I would like to give up spending too much time getting ready. So tomorrow I am going to CHOP my hair off to make it an easier do. I'm pretty excited about it!

I would REALLY like to have one of my products featured in the TpT newsletter. So I'm going to concentrate on continuing to create great products and working on making that happen.
And those my friends are the goals I am working on this year.  As I mentioned above, one of my goals was to provide some more freebies to all of you.  Every year, I have my students review the prior year and concentrate on a few goals they have for the new year.  Here is a little New Year Pennant Banner I created.  You have a selection of different colors to choose from.  I hope you and your students enjoy this project!!  If you do, please don't forget to leave some feedback on TpT. :-)

And finally, I'm always looking to find new blogs to read and follow.  If you are like me, you know we learn best from each other.  So I'm linking up with Jennifer from Simply Kinder.  Head on over there to find some new great blogs. 


Happy New Year!  And be sure to back soon to see my new blog image. :-)


  1. Thanks for the freebie! :) Good luck paying off debt! That's something I'm working on too - and it feels so good when you accomplish a part of it! Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? I love his advice.

    Happy New Year!
    Breezy Special Ed

    1. Thanks for the tip! I just checked out his webpage and bookmarked it. I will do this! Good luck to you as well.
