
Monday, August 18, 2014

Classroom Set-up 2014-2015

I have finally finished my classroom set-up for my 2014-2015 5th grade class and decided to link up with Blog Hoppin Back to School Tour.

Here are some pics - I'll update as the year goes on, as I'm still missing my new rug and I have a ton of desktops in the back of my room that won't be there later.  This year, I continued with my rainbow theme with a touch of technology (desk tags and binders).

The calendar area by my desk.  Around the calendar are all of the students' birthdays using my Free Birthday Labels. 

Here is my desk area with my closet that holds all my teacher resource books, etc. I love my Monday - Friday cart that I got a few years ago at Lowes. Above my desk are my Spanish posters for numbers and colors. Our students have spanish three times a week. 

Another view of my desk area. On my door, I add all my class pictures.  This year is year TEN for me! Crazy. :-) 
Since I teach at a Catholic School, we are required to have a prayer table area.  Here is ours. Above it are my Ten Commandment posters.  Right below the posters I have some hooks - my students create a class rosary each year. Below is a picture from last years class. It turns out beautiful and will follow them through 8th grade where it will eventually be raffled off to one of the students.

Rosary created by my class last year. Each student had to decorate a few beads with markers and watercolors. Came out gorgeous!
Student community supplies.  I reuse antibacterial wipe containers to hold pencil cap erasers, clothespins, BINGO chips, etc.  You can download the FREE labels here. At the end of each year, I have students who don't want their old crayons and markers put them in my community pile.  We check to make sure they work and now I have a full stash for anyone who might need them this year.  

This is where I keep the students' morning work folders and other supplies such as regular pencils, clipboards, absent folders, etc. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with the open space above it all. Still deciding. On the other side of the bookcases is the library so this helps me separate it and create a "library space."

Here is the entry into the classroom library.  I have almost 3000 books for my students to read and choose from.  I also have ten stability balls in my classroom for students to use. You can read about that here.  Hanging in my library are my genre posters and my common book theme posters

I have a variety of seating options in our library, including this comfy little couch.  :-)

Here is a student work display bulletin board and the computer is for my librarians to handle book checkouts.  

My art supply closet and author's purpose writing posters

This is our back table (complete with stability balls all around it). It also doubles as my classroom bank when needed.  Right now it is full of student supplies that are ready to be assembled and handed out on the first day of school for our iPod Binders.  On the left is our art drying rack. Above that is where I display our schedule for the day in the pocket chart holder. And above that is the "May Do" and "Must Do" list for students.  I do not display a homework board anymore since we are a 1:1 iPad school.  All homework is now displayed on their myHomework app

This year I replaced my standard "We Do" poster with this new bulletin board set that I created. It has over 40 printables for you to pick and choose from.  Next to that on the left are our classroom rules.  Below are my new cubbies that I got from Kohl's and the cubby holders from Amazon.  This is where I am holding our new The Walking Classroom kits and some other odds and ends. On the right of the cubbies is my privacy folders that I got from Really Good Stuff.  

This is where students can get paper, math homework graph paper, correcting pens, staplers, and where they turn in their work.  I have a system on how they turn in their work. You can read about that here

Here is my main white board. 

A view of the classroom from the doorway. 

Another view from the doorway. 

Since we have iPads, I created the students name tags on iPad clipart. :-)


  1. Do you like having carpet in your room? You look very organized!
    Simply 2nd Resources

    1. Thank you, Becca! I try so hard to be organized - makes it easier for my kids to transition into middle school. :-)

      I do like the carpet....when the kids don't spill paint, drinks, food, etc on it. haha But it's nice not having a scratched up floor or hearing the noises from the chairs.

  2. Your room is beautiful. I can tell you have put a lot of time and thought into it. Your students will have a great time in this space.
    Happy Back to School.

  3. I love the classroom rosary, what a creative and sweet project for all the students to work on! Your classroom looks great!
    Love and the Librarian

  4. Hi
    I am looking at ideas for 5th grade kids to do for auction items. I love the rosary you had your class make. Can you give me some ideas of where you purchased your supplies and how you made it?
