Every year during the first week of school, I always give my students an "About Me Survey" in which they tell me all sorts of little facts about themselves. From what their favorite movie is all the way to what they are most excited about this school year. Which means I have at least an entire class set of papers copies front to back for me to tote around when I get a chance to read them. Typically, I read them in the beginning of the year and then file them away. Of course, when I wish I had them to look something up about a student or to recommend a subject for their writing, I don't have the information readily available at my fingertips.
Enter my new Student Survey - available on Google Forms. I ADORE the forms component of Google. I've created tons of surveys and even successfully hold the student council elections using them. It nicely collects all the data in an easy to read spread sheet and I can even use the built in graph maker that Google has.
Not only will switching my form over to Google save paper (which hey - who doesn't like to go Green when they can), it will also provide me a way to have the information available to me wherever I am as long as I have access to the internet.
If you want to use this form in your classroom you can access it here: All About Me Survey
What are some ways you use technology instead of paper in your classroom?