This school year was a little different in the fact that I missed the first 8 weeks of school since I was out on maternity leave with my
darling daughter. For a teacher who is VERY hands on in my classroom set-up and simply love the first day of school, this was a bit difficult for me even though I head over heels in love with my new daughter,
Kenzie. So in order to bring back some of that first day excitement when I returned to work, I brought in a few new things into the classroom that the students had never seen before.

One of those items was my Gumball Machine, which I use for behavior management along with my classroom economy. You can read about that
cool incentive here. I also changed up my classroom cash and named it in honor of my daughter and called it Kenzie Kash. The other item I brought in was a
Pinterest inspired idea that I had seen in between caring for Kenzie. It was a large poster that I recreated on Photoshop and ordered the final product from Vista Print (which will be my next Market Monday review) and explained all the things we DO in 5th grade, compared to the traditional rules that tell kids what not to do. I modified it a little bit to fit my classroom and what takes place in our grade. For example, we do take quizzes and tests....lots of them. But we also do laugh, dream and share with one another while growing into responsible young people. This poster has hung up prominently in the classroom since I returned and will continue hanging until the last day of school. It's a constant reminder to my kids (and me) about all the great things we do (or should be doing.)
What would your class poster say? Share below or send me a picture on our
Facebook page.
I love these posters; I made a similar version for myself. :) I'd never thought of getting it printed in a large version on VistaPrint, though. Great idea!