
Sunday, December 7, 2014

My Favorite Things

I am so excited to be participating in this AMAZING blog hop, sponsored by Laura from Where the Magic Happens Blog.  There are 100 of us who have signed up to share our favorite things with you and you even have the opportunity to win a prize pack full of them!!

So here we go...

My first favorite thing has to do with my all time favorite make-up item.  Have you ever heard of Younique's 3D Fiber Mascara?!?  If you have, and haven't jumped on the bandwagon, you seriously must!! This stuff is so fabulous that after ordering it and putting it on I was hooked.  I than shared it with my sister who also thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread and she became hooked.  

Before & After 
So we did what any perfectly human women would do.....and became consultants! haha  Seriously, look at this before and after picture.  We all know that as teachers our time is valuable and trying to look put together is necessary.  I am now able to do some cover-up, mascara and a bit of lip gloss and I'm feeling like a million bucks!  Between my Younique and Jamberry nails (never tried Jamberry??? Fill out this form for a free sample), I'm a simple and easy beauty routine type of girl. :-)

Every Christmas Season I look forward to my favorite holiday tradition of all - Santa Pictures with my beautiful girls!!  And as you can see, this year's picture did not disappoint.  This photo sums up our little girls' personalities to a T. haha  On another note, if you live by one of the malls that offers the Dreamworks Dreamplace Santa experiences, you MUST go!  Best one we have ever been too and worth every penny.  

Finally, my 3rd favorite thing has to do with an awesome art activity project known as Squirrel King Craft Kits.  One of my awesome mothers of a student in my class donated a whole class set of this fun project.  Each kit comes shaped as an acorn.  
Once you pop that thing open, you will find all of the items you need to create your own adorable squirrel.  Look at these fabulous pics of the squirrels my students created.  Each student had to create a squirrel that represented their classroom job.  We then put them all together and created the City of Lyonville! haha I love it!

Be sure to head over to the Squirrel King website and Facebook and give them a like.  They have teamed up with me this December to offer one of you, your very own Squirrel King Craft Kit.  After you have created your squirrel, you can submit their photo to their webpage.  Come on!!!  Does it get any cuter!?!

However, I also recommend getting your own and not waiting.  Every Christmas tree needs one of these super fun (and CUTE) kits underneath them this year.  It will be the most unique present you could give someone special! 

Finally, as a very Merry Christmas to you, I would like to offer you my Winter Themed Math Task Cards with QR Codes at 50% off.  Head on over to my TpT store to get your copy. :-)

Because we value our followers and wanted to treat you to our favorite things Oprah style, we have put together the best giveaway of the season! My bloggy friends and I welcome you to the best, biggest, most cheerful event of the season:

7 winners for 7 prize packs!

Come and enter the giveaway and check out my bloggy friends' favorite things:

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Jamberry Giveaway - A $750 Value!!

I am beyond excited to announce this fabulous giveaway.  I have partnered up with 49 other independent consultants to bring you this ultimate Jamberry Nail product prize!  One winner will walk away with 50 (YES - FIFTY!) nail wraps or lacquers of their choice on December 1st.  Perfect to keep for yourself or split up and give away as gifts for the upcoming holidays.

So, you want to know how to enter?  It's easy!!

Choose one of the entry options below and complete it using your consultant that referred you (that's me!!) to the giveaway. (must be one of the 50 consultants who are sponsoring the giveaway and I am one of them).  
  • Entry Options:
    • Requesting a sample and posting a 7-day challenge picture - worth 1 entry (no purchase necessary). You can request your sample by filling out this form. When asked about which party you are apart of, put "Jam Wrap Up"
    • Purchase a Holiday Gift Box - worth 2 entries (Currently sold out in less than 4 hours - check back Monday for more information on new ones!)
    • Purchase a Buy 3, Get 1 Free - worth 3 entries
    • Order the Stylebox for 3 months - worth 4 entriesHost a party during that calendar month that has $150 in sales or more - worth 5 entries
After you place your order at or submit your 7-day challenge picture to me at, you will go to and put your valid entry in the rafflecopter.  Be sure you have the following information to enter. 
  1. Consultant's Name so me - Katie Lyon
  2. Order Number (if applicable)

The Fine Print
  • Open to U.S. Residents Only
  • No Purchase Necessary to participate in the sample and 7-day challenge picture
  • Contestants can enter multiple times for each valid purchase entry
  • Contestants who enter false information will automatically be disqualified
  • Contestants MUST ORDER from one of the 50 participating independent consultants who are sponsoring this giveaway.  I am one of them. :-)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Walking Classroom - The First Few Weeks

There was nothing more exciting this school year than announcing to my class and their parents that we would be participating in The Walking Classroom program this year.  If you have never heard of this amazing program, I highly encourage you go to their website and check it out.  The whole idea behind it is to get students out there doing aerobic activity multiple times a week to help build brain cells WHILE listening to a podcast on subjects ranging from language arts, science and social studies.  The best part? Each podcast is tied into the standards, making it easy to justify spending this time.

I had been on the waiting list for a few years hoping (praying!) that I would be able to get a class set donated to my 5th grade.  I was beyond elated when I got an email during the summer that my wait was over!  The Walking Classroom Organization themselves, were providing a grant to my school and would send me the walk kits. I'm telling you the day I received that box in the mail it was like Christmas!!

You get a binder full of lesson plans that go with each of the podcasts on the walk kits.  Each of the lesson plans come with a comprehension quiz to go a long with it.  The walk kits come preloaded with the content on them, so there is no extra work (with the exception of putting the batteries in and strapping on the lanyards!) Easy peasy!   The Walking Classroom was developed by former 5th grade teacher, Laura Fenn, M.S., Ed when she saw there was a need for student activity during the day.

And student activity is what you get with this program!  My students and I venture out into our neighborhood taking a the same 1.1 mile walk three times every week.  Yes, you read that right!  Three times a week my students and I are out there Walking, Listening, and Learning!!   That is over 3 miles that I am working into class time EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

Labeled and stored in cubbies in the classroom
If you were to ask my students how they felt about the walking classroom you would get an array of answers.  But the most commonly said phrase is, "I love it!"   And they aren't kidding.  My students have really come to enjoy this time of the day where we get to take a break from the classroom walls and get outside.

A couple of weeks ago, we were even featured on ABC 7 Los Angeles for our participation in this awesome program.  It was exciting to see my students get their moment of fame for something so positive!  Even better, is the support we get from our school community about it.  Students who aren't in 5th grade are looking forward to participating when they are, and those who are past 5th grade in our middle school are sad they didn't get the opportunity.  Even better is they have recently developed the curriculum for 4th grade, which our school is looking into purchasing.

So far, my class has walked over 25 miles this school year and it's only the end of October!  Already, I am seeing a difference in my kids and their fitness level, as well as their attentiveness when we get back.  This is a program I would recommend for every school!

Head on over and check it out!  This program is definitely worth looking into.

Have you ever heard of The Walking Classroom?  If you are interested in applying for your own grant or purchasing the program, check out this link.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

I'm Paid to Have Jammin' Nails

Kenzie's first Jamicure! 
When I first heard about Jamberry, I will admit I didn't jump on it. I wasn't huge on doing my own nails and with two little ones, I simply didn't have the time.  It wasn't until my daughter, Kenzie, asked for my husband and I to paint her nails that I finally reconsidered checking out Jamberry.  Kenzie seriously wouldn't have nail polish on her fingers for 5 seconds before she ended up smudging it....on everything. Me. The couch. My husband's legs. Everywhere! It was ridiculous. And I couldn't do it anymore.

Enter Jamberry. I had a friend who had been selling and would occasionally send me a reminder about it. I asked her some more questions regarding it.  When she told me the cost of the kit to become a consultant myself, I jumped on it.  I knew simply by hearing about this product that this was something that I wanted in on. And if nothing else, I would enjoy the discount and use the product with ease of mind on myself and my daughters.  
Vintage Deco wrap with Cardinal Lacqure

Black Strips with White French Tip (My 2nd application)

The company was started back in October 2010 by three sisters who wanted perfectly manicured nails but without paying expensive prices.  They created Jamberry, which is a resilient vinyl-based formula nail wrap that can be applied at home with a simple heat and pressure technique using a standard hairdryer.  They now have over 300+ designs and consultants and customers have the ability to create their own designs too!  

I created these for October Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Contact me directly if interested in ordering a sheet. 

Each sheet of nails wraps is enough to do 3-4 manicures/pedicures with extras left over for accent nails.  The wraps last up to two weeks on hands and 3-4 weeks on toes.  

​Here are some awesome facts about Jamberry. These alone make it a product that I am proud to stand by. ​

I love putting Jamberry nail wraps on. And I'm asked all the time about how difficult it is....and I love that question!  It's not difficult AT ALL!  All you need is the following to be able to accurately apply these wraps.

Here is what you need:

  • Jamberry Nail wraps
  • blow dryer or mini heater
  • nail polish remover
  • cotton balls
  • rubbing alcohol
  • cuticle pusher
  • nail clippers
  • nail scissors
  • tweezers

Watch the official Jamberry Nails application video to see just how simple the process is.  

Without a doubt, signing up was the best decision I made. I have been a consultant since late August 2014 and have already earned back my investment and then some!  I'm able to advertise the product all the time simply by wearing it.  And best of all - it's providing my family and I some financial freedom with the commission I am making.  If you are interested in learning more about becoming a consultant or would like to earn free rewards from hosting an online or catalog party, be sure to contact me at klyon78 at gmail dot com. I'm happy to share my love of this product with you and show you how you can earn 30-40% in commissions PLUS bonuses!

Currently I am running some great specials until the end of the month and I'd love to share them with you.
Happy Mail Day at my house!

$84 Deal - Purchase this and I will give you a 5th sheet of wraps (your choice) for FREE
It includes the following:
- 4 sheets of wraps
- mini heater 
- Jamberry cosmetics bag 
- cuticle oil
- alcohol wipes
- nail scissors
- nail clippers
- buffer block
- rubber cuticle pusher
- nail file 

Simply add 4 sheets of wraps into your cart, one application kit with cuticle oil, and a mini heater.  After you order, send me a message and let me know which 5th sheet of wraps you want for FREE. 

Halloween Accent Nail Sheet
For anyone who places a buy 3, get 1 FREE, I will also send you a sheet of five halloween accent nails (designs may vary). Perfect for the upcoming month! Pair them with your other Jamberry wraps or with your favorite Jamberry Lacquer nail polish for a bit of fun! 
Never tried Jamberry but want to give it a shot?  Request a sample today! Fill out your information on this form and I will mail out your sample ASAP.  Free Jamberry Sample Request Form

Are you monthly box person? You know? Ipsy, Birchbox, etc?  If so, it's time you checked out Stylebox!!  Every month it comes with one wrap from the current catalog and then an exclusive wrap that you cannot buy unless you order the Stylebox. In addition it comes with a nail file and a cuticle pusher. If you were to order all of this separately it would cost over $30 plus additional shipping and tax. However, you get it for only $25. The only con is that it comes only once a month. Order your October Box today!! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

FarFaria - An App Review

I've been sitting on the app FarFaria for a few months now. In between family and school beginning, I never had a chance to look at it but it's never been too FAR (haha - see what I did there) from my mind.  ;-)  I'm so glad that I finally did sit down and check it out.  My 3 year old daughter can't seem to get enough of it!

In case you haven't heard of it, FarFaria is an ebook app for children with hundreds of books for them to choose from to read.  You have the option to pay for the year (only $39.99) or by the month ($4.99).  They also have an amazing limited time offer going on right now - only $49.99 for LIFE!!!  Well worth the money if you ask me.  But let me explain why.

What makes this app so fabulous is the ability for children to follow along as the book is read aloud to them.....from the app!  That's right! My 3 year old was able to easily use the app, choose a book and click on "Auto play" and the book would be read to her.  How awesome is that?  We can even put a certain book in our favorites for her to access again later on.  In addition, the books show a reading level to make it simple to pick books that are right for her.

This would be perfect for teachers to use in a center in the younger grades or for a parent who is looking for an app related to books for their child.

I'm excited to be partnering up with FarFaria and to be able to give away a 3-month subscription to this app.  This will allow you to check it out and see what a great addition it could be in your classroom or home.

How would you use this app?


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