I'm Katie Lyon and I'm a 2nd grade teacher, VP and blogger at Mrs. Lyon - Teaching: The Art of Possibility. On my blog, I share classroom tips, teaching ideas, and classroom resources. I'm a big fan of technology, and am in charge of our school's 1:1 iPad program. I share tech tips that can be applied to the classroom.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Market Monday: Carry-All Caddy
I like my classroom neat and organized. Even parents of my students and future students know this about me. So any product that can help me achieve this along with maximum color power (I'm a huge fan of bold colors!) included deserves a shout-out in my opinion.
The Carry-All Caddy from Lakeshore Learning fits my needs and wants and is by far one of the best organizational caddies for the classroom ever! I love it so much that I have three of them. Yep...three. Two of them organize all the crayons that I collect at the end of the year from my students. I can't bear to see crayons that are practically new (minus the sharp point) get thrown away, so if students aren't going to keep them I ask for them. Any crayon that is broken goes into my scrap crayon bin for future crayon melt art projects. The third caddy holds my colored pencils. I organize all of these items by color within the eight jars. I can easily stack the crayon caddies and the colored pencil one is placed right next to them. This way if a student is missing a particular color from their stash of colored pencils and crayons at their desk, they can simply come look to see if I have it.
So if you are perfectly anal retentive like myself, and absolutely need organization that is color coded you need to get yourself one (or three) of these!
What is your favorite organizational product in your classroom? Post below.
Come back tomorrow for a fabulously smART Recycled Project how to.
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